Friday, April 22, 2011

Hidden in the Darkness

It seems like there are all kinds of different monsters hidden in the city...

Night Sky

1. A picture of our New York City.

2. But I don't think the atmosphere of the dusk sky fits in, so I got a night sky picture as background, and adjust the level of it. 

3. Select out the city and put it on top of the sky layer, and adjust the brightness of the city. Also, make a copy of the sky layer and average blur it, put it on top of the city layer as soft light mode. So, the color of the city looks more blend in with the sky.

4. Select out the cat, copy and paste to the city picture. Make a layer mask, mask out the buildings I don't want. To make the cat look more fits into the environment, adjust the level of the cat, change the colors of the eyes and hair on the head, back and stomach of the cat. 

5. Add a vignette with lens correction.

6. Add an ink outlines filter to add some sketch effects to the picture.


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